Resulta ser que la alcaldía o el consejo de Westminster o no se qué en Londres le prohiben al Reindance Film Festival hacer una proyección pública de Molina´s Ferozz, película que estaba en competencia, todo el revuelo, por la hermosa escenita del perrito. Piden cortarla, a lo que el festival se negó rotundamente, algo que me parece muy correcto, porque el que me le corte un pedazo a mi creación le parto las piernas como en las películas de mafiosos. Nada, que la mojigatería y la represión se dan la mano en el país de los lores. Deben estár mal templados, eso debe ser.
Aquí les van los "maravillosos" correos electrónicos cruzados entre el festival y el consejo o alcaldía de marras, y mi amiga Betina Goldman de One Eyed Films, quien se disculpa conmigo por esa estupidez. ¡¡¡¡Me encanta ser censurado en England!!!!!
Como podes ver Jorge, la Censura no permite el passe publico de FEROZZ WILD RIDING HOOD!
Lo siento… Que lastima, pero podemos por lo menos enviar notas para la prensa y ganar publicidad
Betina Goldman
11 Ellerslie Road
London W12 7BN
Tel + 44 2087401491
From: Julian Chapelle
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 15:49:13 +0200
To: User
Cc: Elliot Grove
Subject: Ferozz Wild Riding Hood - Censorship Issue
Dear Betina,
Westminster City Council will not authorize the Raindance Film Festival, taking place at the Apollo Cinema Piccadilly Circus, to host a public screening of 'Ferozz Wild Riding Hood' as it breaches the Obscene Publications legislation (48th minute scene).
Westminster requested to show a cut version, which we refused.
You will find the detailed explanations of Sharon Bamborough (Westminster City Council) in regards to the case below.
As you can imagine, we did everything we could to screen the film and the only possibility we have is to make it a private screening for Accredited Industry only. We hope you will understand our commitment to defend filmmakers' opinions and we do try to push the boundaries of censorship as much as we can.
Do not hesitate to contact myself or Raindance Director Elliot Grove (CC) should you have any question.
Best regards,
Julian Chapelle
Raindance Film Festival
6-7 Little Russell Street
T +44 (0)20 7287 3833
F +44 (0)20 7439 2243
I have considered the synopsis of films proposed. With the exception of the film Ferrozz Wild Red Riding hood (we which we will not classify or authorise for screening under the premise licence – please refer to my further comments at the end of this email) I am happy to advise you that I shall waive classification on the remaining films provided the following conditions are complied with:
No film shall be exhibited at the premises:-
(1) which is likely:-
(a) to encourage or to incite crime; or
(b) to lead to disorder; or
(c) to stir up hatred against any section of the public on grounds of colour, race or ethnic or national origin, disability, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or gender, or
(d) to promote violence, sexual humiliation or degradation.
(2) the effect of which is, if taken as a whole, such as to hold up to ridicule or contempt (i) people of a particular gender, sexual orientation, colour, race or ethnic or racial origin or (ii) people with disabilities or particular religious beliefs unless such film is depicting an historical event or should be exhibited in the public interest.
(3) Which contains a grossly indecent performance thereby outraging the standards of public decency.
(4) No one under the age of 18 years shall attend any of the screenings, with the exception of the following films:
Julius Caesar – suitable as 12a
Fambul Tok – suitable as 12 (not 12a as there are many violent acts discussed of an adult nature, and is not suitable for anyone under 12)
(5) If the licensee of any of the premises exhibiting the films is notified by the Council in writing that it objects to the exhibition of a film on any grounds, such film shall not be exhibited.
With regard to the film Ferrozz Wild Riding Hood, we cannot stop this being screened if not being done so under the premises licence. To be clear, you cannot show this as a private screening if it is for consideration and with a view to profit, as this will constitute regulated entertainment and fall under the remit of the premise licence. As you have refused to show a cut version of the film as required by us I would question the motives of why you would want to show a film to the industry which breaches the Obscene Publications legislation, however there is little else to say on this and we will not engage in further debate about it. We expect to be provided (as like last year) with the detail of how you have selected the invitees to the industry screening and confirmation that there is no charge of fee. I do not deem people who are not directly concerned with film making to be classed as ‘industry’ – i.e people employed in sales are not ‘industry’ in our opinion.
Sharon Bamborough
Assistant Service Manager -Licensing
Environmental Health Consultation and Licensing
Premises Management
Westminster City Council
4th Floor South
City Hall
64 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP
Tel: 0207 641 7824
Fax: 020 7641 7815
Hi Elliot,
We’re pretty much finished watching the films and assessing the synopsis – a good few I did further research on. I don’t anticipate a problem with the majority of the films and anticipate being able to confirm the permission tomorrow.
However, there is one film that we do have an issue with and that is Ferrozz Wild Riding Hood – we would want the scene cut (approx 48 mins in) of the young girl masturbating with a puppy as we feel it falls foul of the obscene publications legislation. Can you confirm whether or not you would be able to do that? If not, it’s likely we will not authorise the film (and I do not intend to get into lengthy argument and debate about it like last year).
Sharon Bamborough
Assistant Service Manager -Licensing
Environmental Health Consultation and Licensing
Premises Management
Westminster City Council
4th Floor South
City Hall
64 Victoria Street
London SW1E 6QP
Tel: 0207 641 7824
Fax: 020 7641 7815
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